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LCD and TFT Cross-Reference Chart    |    LCD Part numbers    |   Orders and enquiries


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32" LCD 1150 nits LM178, pricing and availability!



 - Open Orders -

Recent Customer Requests LCD - TFT - Panel Listed Below.

  If you or your company has a line of any of the following panels, please let us know!  


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EDMGRB6KAF (qty 20,000) 17" CLAA170EA07 (qty 250)
15" CLAA150XP01 (qty 250) Torisan CSTN 10.4" LMCH53-22NAP (qty 300)
Hantronix STN 9.5" HDM6448-1-9JCF (qty 300) LTM10C313 (qty 20 under $300 each)
IBM/IDT ITSX98E (qty 500 less than $150 each) Hitachi TX38D12VC0CAA (qty 300)
Seiko LTP1245S-C384-E (qty 3000 overseas) Hitachi TX39D99VC1FAA (qty 1000)
Sony ACX705AKM (qty 1000) Toshiba LTD121EC5V (qty 250)
LQ5AW136 (qty 100) AUO B150XG02 V1(qty 1000)
ID Tech ITSX98E (qty400) Hanstar HSD150PX11-B (qty 50)
LG LP154W01-A3K3 (qty 200) Samsung LTN154X1-L02 (qty 1000)
LG LP154W02 (qty 100) Samsung LTN140W1-L01-0 (qty 100)
LG LP171WX2-A4 (qty 50) Samsung LTC700WV-F01 (qty 300)
LG LP154W01-A5 (qty 100) Sharp LQ150V1DG11 (qty 400)
LG LP171W01-A4 (qty 50) LG LP154W01-A5K2 (qty 1000)


Display panel inventory list uploaded via brokers and consignments.

07/26/2006  Inverters for LCD Panels 07/25/2006  07/24/2006  07/22/2006  07/21/2006  07/19/2006  07/17/2006   07/17/2008  07/17/2006  07/15/2006  07/15/2006  07/14/2006  07/14/2006   07/12/2006  07/12/2006  07/12/2006  07/11/2006  07/11/2006   07/05/2006 07/03/2006  07/03/2006  07/02/2006  07/01/2006  06/29/2006  06/28/2006  06/28/2006  06/28/2006  06/28/2006  06/27/2006 06/27/2006 13.3"/14.1" LCDs  06/27/2006  06/26/2006  06/24/2006  06/24/2006  06/23/2006  06/23/2006  06/21/2006  06/21/2006  06/19/2006  06/17/2006   06/16/2006  06/15/2006  06/14/2006  06/14/2006  06/12/2006  06/12/2006  06/09/2006  06/08/2006  06/07/2006  06/07/2006  06/07/2006  06/07/2006  06/05/2006  06/02/2006  06/01/2006 06/01/2006  05/31/2006  LQ..05/30/2006   LCDSolar Technologies 05/25/2006  05/25/2006  14"/15" Notebook LCD Panels 05/23/2006    05/22/2006 China  05/19/2006  05/12/2006  05/12/2006  05/12/2006   05/11/2006   05/11/2006  05/03/2006  05/02/2006  04/22/2006  04/24/2006  04/25/2006  04/20/2006  04/26/2006 04/26/2006  04/20/2006  Samsung LT Series  LTM170E6-L02   Samsung  LTL  LG  LM64P83L  04/2006  LCDs   Used CRT/LCD  Brokered LCD 


Need a  product?    Reference Chart for Samsung   More references


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   / World Networking Group, 4026 S. Westnedge Ave. Kalamazoo, MI 49008

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- Existing Requests, age over 7 days -


Samsung LTN141x7-101 (qty 1) LTA07B343A (qty 1)
Sharp LQ104V7DS01 (qty 100) LTM10c320 Price target $110.00 or less
Sharp LQ9D169 (2) LTA320W02-L01
Sharp LQ084V1DG21 (qty 1) LTM10C345
Sharp LM64K103 (qty 1) LTN170WP-L02
Sharp Q121S1DG41 (qty 10) target $200 or less LP141WX1 (TL) (01) $please make offers
Sharp LM12S481 (qty 50) LP121X04-C2K2
Sanyo TM121S-V02L01 (qty 1) NL10276BC26-11A (qty 1)
Prime View V16C6448AC (qty 2) 733421890548 (qty 1)
Panasonic TC-7WMS1 (qty 30) LP133X7-H2cc
Philips LC151x01 (qty 1) 367784-001 (qty 1)
Quanta AA0150PB100 (qty 1) Toshiba LTM11C307 (qty 1)
Torisan TM121SV-02111 (qty 1) LM-CG53-22NTK
LG LM300W01 (qty 25) Quanta QD14WL01 (1)
Phillips LP141WX1 (qty 1 under $200) LTA070
LTA070B343A (qty 1) Optrex DMF-50036
NEC N16448AC33-18 (qty 1) Sharp LQ150X1LBS3 (qty 1 under $150)
LG - Phillips LP141WX1 (qty 1) Jujitsu FLC38XGC6V-06 RECYCLED is ok (300)
CMO N140A1-L02 (qty 50) LM18 E06 (qty 100)

LTM213U4-L01 (Qty 50 - 500 wanted)


LM300W01 panels (Qty 25)
NL8060BC2617 LM130SS1T611
LTM170E8-L01 LQ121S1LG41 (Qty 40 or more) (sold)
NA19025-C161 (qty 400) LG Philips LP1337 N2AC

NEW, used & refurbished LCD / display panels by 3M touch Systems, Aaeon, BCM Advanced Research, Caltron Industries, Digital View, EValue Technology, Fujitsu, Hitachi, Hyundai LCD, America Inc, Kontron, Kyocera, LG Philips LCD, Linfinity / Microsemi, Mitsubishi, NEC, Sanyo, Samsung, Sharp, Silicon Image Inc. Solomon Technology, Supertex, TDK, Toshiba, Truly Semiconductors Ltd and more...

Acer LCD Display Panel Replacement Information  Samsung LCD Panel Reference  Supplier Sheet in China    Sharp LQ065T9DR51 specifications


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