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Broker/consignment Area

Tobe Diodes available through

We are delighted to offer you our Diode information which we believe that it would be interested to you.

Rectifiers : 1N4001 - 1N4007, 1N5391-1N5399, 1N5400-1N5408...
Fast Recovery Rectifiers : FR101-FR107, FR151, FR157...
Ultra Fast Rectifier : UF4001-UF4007, UF5400-UF5408...
Small Signal Schottky Diodes : 1N60, 1N60P...
Silicon Nidirectional Diacs : DB3, DB4, DB6... BiDirectional Diacs?
Tansient Voltage Suppressors ( TVS ) : P4KE, P6KE, 1.5KE series....
Zener Diode : 1N5728-1N4764...
Bridge Rectifiers : W005M-W10M, KBPC1005-KBPC110
Surface Mount Rectifier : S1A - S1M, S2A - S2M